Monday, May 31, 2010

I Think I've Got It!

   I made my 3rd batch of yogurt yesterday, and, at long last, I think I've got it. I used the recipe in my original post, but  I added 1 package of unflavored gelatin to the milk before I heated it. I first put only 1 tsp. of the gelatin in the milk, but I added the rest of the package before I let it cool down to 110 degrees. I do think I need to add more than 1 Tbsp. vanilla extract, because I like it with more vanilla flavor.
   In the picture, the yogurt in the spoon is before I stirred it. After I stirred it, I deemed it the perfect consistancy for me. Nice and creamy and smooth.
  I have plenty of time to play around with yogurt experiments, because it's raining and it's never going to stop. I like rain, but it's been raining most of May. On the plus side, I don't need to water the garden. Things are starting to grow. It would be nice if we could finish planting. Finally have the tomatoes out in their walls of water. I hope they work. Tim says guys at work swear by them.
   Lately, I have been in the sewing mood. I started sewing squares of flannel together by hand way back in high school (in the '70's), to make a quilt and I think I will take them apart and sew them together with the overcast stitch, so hopefully they stay together without unraveling. The squares would also be the same size. Next, I'm trying to decide who thick to make it. I'm leaning towards pretty thick, since it gets a might nippy up here.
   I also found a pattern for a cute teddy bear with a sleeper to wear in the same box as all the flannel. I have some flannel I was going to use for who knows what, and I was thinking about making at least 4 teddy bears out of it and using the scraps to add to the quilt. One teddy bear for each grandchild. I will probably have to make me one, too and maybe other family members. Big plans and I hope I finish them. I seem to lose interest half way through things.
  There will be another grandchild in Dec. and I did start crocheting afghans, but I'm not in the crocheting mood now, and I do have until Dec.
   I could also be cleaning house since Amy and her future fiance (?) are coming in a week and a half, but I got to thinking, if Daniel is going to be a member of this family, he can take us as we are, dust, clutter and all.
   For now, I guess I'll fold the towels I washed yesterday. I really wish someone would invent a dryer that hangs and folds clothes.


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