Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Is In The Air

We have had one of the warmest winters on record up here, and people are ready for spring. We missed out on todays snow, which is just fine.
The birds are out busily collecting nest building materials, the sheep behind us are ready to lamb, (I really hope they all stay in their own fields this year), and soon, we should see little spotted fawns, and ducklings and goslings, and let's not forget all the wildflowers. I really wish my camera worked. Maybe, I wore it out taking snow pictures from the previous winters. Oh, and lets definately not forget all those yard and garage sales.
Gardens seem to be the topic on alot of peoples minds right now. It's so nice, should I get ready to plant now, or wait. I guess the rule of thumb up here is, if the snow is off of Mica Peak, it's time to plant. I don't think Mica Peak had snow this year, but it might have had a tad bit, if any. If that doesn't work, it's Mother's Day or Memorial weekend. We planted most things around Mother's Day last year, and of course winter decided to have the last laugh.
We can't see Mica Peak from our house, but we can see Mount Spokane, and it still has snow on it.
Last year, I jumped the gun a little, (ok, it was a couple of months), and started most of our seeds in the house, not knowing about the Mica Peak thing. I had to practically use a weed wacker to get through the dinning room. This year, I think I will just plant the seeds in the ground and take my chances.
Since we didn't have the amount of snow pack we need for water, lets hope we don't have a bad drought and bad fire dangers, since we live in the woods.
For now, I'll just go through all the new seed catalogs we have and figure out what to plant and enjoy our spring like weater.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know your camera didn't work. Maybe I will throw mine into the box to send you. Digital or film? Send some Spring our way.
