Monday, June 1, 2009

Robin red breasts?

Have you ever wondered why robins are sometimes called robin red breast when their breasts are orange? I don't seem to remember seeing many robins before we moved up here, (but my memory isn't what it used to be) so I never really noticed the color of their breasts. I had to look them up in my trusty Audubon bird book to verify they are robins. Also, I thought they were suppose to be the first birds of spring. The robins up here have been around all year, even in the dead of winter with the snow. They are entertaining to watch doing their commando search for the perfect bugs and then trying to keep them from other birds. They don't like chocolate chip cookies, though. It's OK. I don't like bugs.

1 comment:

  1. I like your line about the robins not liking chocolate chip cookies, but it's okay because you don't like bugs.
