Monday, August 2, 2010

Just Rambling

   Yesterday was our 30th wedding anniversary, and we had the usual hard time thinking of something to do. We went to Walmart and got a battery for the riding mower, to Home Depot to get a fuel filter for it, to Big R, just because it's there, ( I did get some Sarsaparilla, Orange Creme Soda and some Carmel Vanilla Soda), and then we went to Green Bluff and picked cherries. I was looking for already picked cherries, and did eventually buy some, but after we picked some. We've been told by several people that this was a bad year for cherries. I didn't pick that many because I had to climb a ladder and that's really not a good place for me to be. Oh, and we bought some blueberry wine, but didn't drink it yet.
   Today, I pitted some of the cherries we picked. I have about 6 pound more to pit. My hands are stained a nice purplish black. I read lemon juice is suppose to get rid of the cherry juice stain, but I don't have that much and I was going to use it for canning. Yeah, I know, I can buy some more and just use what I have and make my hands look better, but I might as well wait until all the cherries are pitted before I try the lemon juice.
   I was going to dehydrate more celery today and freeze more carrots. I didn't get to that. I still haven't folded the towels in the basket by the dryer. I need to make cookies tomorrow.
   Our garden is growing really well. I do think it's funny (weird) that we have a white tail deer problem in our garden and on Farmville I have one, too. I guess I just can't win with that.
   I'm not making much progress crocheting afghans for my friend Terrys' friends that are having babies in Oct. I haven't made much progress with the sewing, either. I have finished 2 of my 4 library books instead.
   Chip is getting much better outside off of the leash. We think he runs like a rabbit. He's a very fast runner. Jake stops Chip by putting his front paw on Chip's back, and then he usually knocks him over. There's about a 35 pound or more weight difference between them. We're always telling Jake not to break the poodle.
   Towards the end of this month it will be peach season at Green Bluff. I'll have to get a box so I can make more Peach Butter and try making some peach preserves. When apples are ripe, I want to get some of those to make apple pie filling, apple butter, apple cinnamon jelly, and apple sauce.  That's the plan, but you know how those are.
  Anyway, it's still nice out here in the sticks, I just need to stop being so lazy.


  1. Sounds like you've been busy! I just finished making 22 half pints of peach preserves.

  2. You've been busy, Steph. I spent 2 days pitting cherries, only to find I need nore, so I guess this weekend I will get more. It's not peach season quite yet here. Last year, I made some really good peach butter. This year, I hope to make more along with some peach preserves.
