Thursday, October 29, 2009


We are having the first snow of the season in my snow globe world. So far, about 1/4" and melting.The National Weather Service says less than 1", which is much better than 80" in 3 weeks like last year, but that wasn't until December, either. Time will tell. After that, more rain. Just what we need; more mud. I have lots to keep me entertained when I'm housebound. This year, I've decided to lear to knit. I took knitting lessons when I was 12 and remember the knit stitch and how to cast on and bind off. I need to relearn the purl stitch. My handspun yarn will look much better knitted than crocheted. Less bulky. First, I have to finish and start another sweater for my grandsons for Christmas. One day, maybe, I'll finish all my started, but not finished, crafts. I have quite a few of them. There are reasons they haven't been finished yet. I look at them periodically, and still have no great desire to finish most them. I guess if I get really hard up for something to do, they'll be on my list somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my snow? I haven't seen that in years. While you are cold, we in Florida are enjoying the warm days and cool nights.
    You sound a lot like me...I love learning new things but for some reason after I have mastered a craft I never seem to finish any. Got 5 projects going at the same time. Maybe tomorrow??? Yeah that's my way of thinking
